Our vision is to see our community transformed by God.

We believe that each of us has a part to play in seeing that ​happen.

As we each become more like Jesus (Romans 8.29), and ​are led by the Spirit (Gal 5.25) into the good works He has ​prepared for us (Eph 2.10), in the places He has sent us ​(Jer 29.7), we will see His Kingdom come more fully here ​on earth as it is in heaven.

We call this "doing your deal." Below are a few folks who ​are living this out and have opportunities for others to ​come alongside them and serve. Take a few minutes to ​explore these ways to engage.

Sign up HERE to express interest in finding out more about ​any you are interested in. Or reach out directly using the ​emails below.


Doing Your Deal: Ways to Engage


Mission 1:27

Angie Smith


About: Mission 1:27 creates meaningful ​experiences and fosters connections through after-​school and teen development programs, senior ​activities, and family support initiatives, aiming to ​reveal life-changing hope and truth through the ​Gospel. By providing these diverse programs and ​support opportunities, Mission 1:27 strengthens ​individuals, relationships, and families, fostering ​personal growth and community development.


Ways to Engage:

  • Reading & Math Buddies: Be a buddy to an ​elementary-age child in our after school ​Adventure Centers to help them gain ​confidence and skills in reading or math.
  • Mission 1:27 Christmas Market: Too many ​hard-working families find themselves coming ​up short at holiday time, unable to provide the ​Christmas gifts their children would love . The ​Christmas Market is designed to provide ​families the opportunity to shop and select gifts ​for their children rather than receiving a ​handout. Needed: TOYS and volunteers for our ​event on December 14.

Ways to Pray:

  • For God to send mission-minded staff and ​volunteers to join in the work
  • That we are led by the Spirit in all things and in ​all ways
  • That our ministry would be characterized by ​JOY

The Table on Delk

Scott & Tina Williford


About: The Table provides a safe place and a meal for those who are currently, or at risk of, being sexually exploited. When we show them God's love through genuine interactions, tell them that their lives matter and that God has a plan and purpose for them, and connect them with resources, some of those we serve will take steps toward healing and restoration.


Ways to Engage:

  • Outreach Volunteers: On-site volunteers are our greatest need. Outreach happens on Wednesdays and Saturdays and is the entry point for all on-site volunteers. Volunteers (adults only please) meet at 10:30am for training and prayer before our friends join us from 11:30am-2:30pm. You can sign up at https://thetableondelk.org/outreach/
  • Food Friends: Our Food Friends provide home-cooked meals and sweet treats. We keep the food warm in crockpots. The size of the meal depends on the event. https://thetableondelk.org/food-friends/
  • Study Hall: Be a study buddy for our students Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3-6 pm.
  • Psalm 34:8 Sack Lunches: To meet the additional needs of the children we serve, we distribute sack lunches Monday-Friday afternoons.
  • https://thetableondelk.org/sack-lunches/

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for God's continued favor and protection.
  • Pray for His provision -- both food and volunteers.
  • Pray for His wisdom and discernment in serving our friends.

Picnics with the Table

About: These monthly picnics provide opportunities to come together at a local park with women and families from The Table in order to eat, play, and fellowship. The picnics were started with the vision of bringing different groups of people together in a relaxed setting. We host picnics one Sunday a month during the school year at Terrell Mill Park.

Ways to Engage: Sign-up to receive notices about picnic dates. Then attend a picnic and bring a side dish to share!

Ways to Pray: Pray for families to get involved and for meaningful connections to be made at picnics.

Doing Your Deal: Ways to Engage


Acts 6

Courtney Schreer


About: Acts 6 is a benevolence ministry based ​out of StoneBridge that provides assistance to our ​neighbors in Cobb County with financial help for ​utility bills, rent, and security deposits, as well as ​obtaining birth certificates and Georgia State IDs.


Ways to Engage: We have an ongoing need for ​volunteers who can serve one or more days during ​the week with the Acts 6 Team (Monday-Thursday ​from 10am to 12pm). Volunteers aid visitors in ​obtaining needed documents or help them apply ​for financial assistance.

Ways to Pray: Pray for the hearts of volunteers ​serving -- that we will be ambassadors of the love ​and truth of God, and that our hearts will be ​encouraged through our service.

The Vine & Branch Foundation

Mary & Grant Doornbos


About: The Vine and Branch Foundation provides ​free dental care to children who are suffering from ​dental pain and infection. Because of this, they are ​not eating well, missing school, and generally not ​thriving. Most of the children we treat are in ​Guatemala, but some are right here in Marietta. ​These are children who don't have resources to get ​care on their own.

Ways to Engage:

  • Volunteer in Guatemala: we are in need of ​Spanish translators (a Spanish speaking prayer ​team would be amazing), nurses, and dental ​assistants
  • Volunteer from Home:
    • help plan a "vacation bible school"
    • make meaningful, low budget gifts to take ​to the full time Guatemalan surgery center ​workers to encourage them
    • help count, sort, organize, and pack ​supplies

Ways to Pray: Pray we would be able to help ​bring healing from tooth pain and infection for the ​children we treat, and through the process, our ​patients and their families would see the love of ​their ultimate Healer more clearly.


Luke Wood


About: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) ​seeks to reach athletes and coaches with the ​gospel. At Kennesaw State University, we want to ​see our community engaged, equipped and ​empowered by and through God’s word. Our heart ​is to build a bridge back to the local church as our ​KSU family grows in their walk with the Lord.


Ways to Engage: Pray and Serve-

  • Pray for our campus, the athletes, and ​coaches.
  • Serve by providing meals for our Monday night ​gatherings, becoming a character coach for ​one of our teams, or serve on our board and ​help with our fundraiser events (golf ​tournament and pheasant shoot).

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray as we seek to bring on a full-time female ​staff member.
  • Pray for financial support for our current team ​and continued wisdom on how to steward the ​access we have on campus

Doing Your Deal: Ways to Engage


First Care Women's Clinic

Sydney Fortier sydneyf@firstcarewomensclinic.com

About: First Care Women’s Clinic is an evangelical ​Christian, non-profit organization that reduces ​abortion by providing the free medical services, ​support, and information that men and women ​need to choose life for their unborn children. We ​share the hope of the Gospel and the truth about ​abortion with every client to give them and their ​baby a hope and a future!


Ways to Engage:

  • We need more men and women who are ​committed to mentoring clients or helping in our ​baby boutique once a week. You can fill out our ​volunteer application here:www.supportfcwc.com/volunteer
  • Our Walk For Life fundraiser is coming up on ​Saturday, October 5th. This is a family friendly ​two mile prayer walk. Participants are ​encouraged to invite their children to walk with ​them and instill the sanctity of life into the next ​generation. Friends, family and church ​members can sponsor them with a donation as ​they walk. Registration is now open at ​www.supportfcwc.com/walk.

Ways to Pray: Please pray for us as we open a ​second clinic location in the underserved area of ​South Cobb. Pray that God will bring clients ​through our doors. Also, pray that more mature ​believers volunteer to disciple our clients as they ​break out of cycles of dysfunction and grow in their ​relationships with Christ.

Foster Care

Tess Dykstra


About: We work to promote the need for safe, ​loving and gospel-centered foster care homes in ​Cobb County.


Ways to Engage: Become a licensed foster parent ​for short or long-term child placements. Or serve ​as respite caregivers for existing foster families.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for God to use His church to create safe, ​loving and gospel-centered homes for children ​in foster care. Pray for God to redeem and ​restore broken families.

Mentoring for Leadership

Kristen Thompson kthompson@mentoringforleadership.org

About: Mentoring for Leadership (MFL) matches under-resourced, high-potential students at Marietta Middle and Marietta High schools with local volunteer mentors, as well as providing academic coaching and support.


Ways to Engage:

  • Become a mentor! Your commitment is to spend 2-4 hours per month with one student specifically matched with you based on like interests and goals.
  • Become an Influencer! Do you have a business or specialization that you can share with our students? We can come to you as a field trip (small or large group) or you can volunteer your time to join a conversation in our offices.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for our mentors to be active listeners and to see the value and worth in the students they are mentoring
  • Pray for our community to support the work we are doing
  • Pray for MFL staff as they help hold dreams and burdens for students

Doing Your Deal: Ways to Engage


Chosen Vessels

Bekah Baxter


E3 Partners

About: Chosen Vessels seeks to encourage, equip and empower global workers serving cross culturally. Our heart is to walk alongside workers and provide essential support and care as they labor on the field. We are currently serving 200 global workers and their families.


Ways to Engage:

  • Short-term service opportunities throughout the year to Romania, Ghana, and Asia Minor
  • Join a fundraising committee to plan for our fall and spring fundraiser events
  • Join our prayer team to intercede with us for global workers

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for our partners who are serving around the globe to flourish in the places the Lord has called them
  • Pray for our staff as we continue to grow and are able to serve more workers
  • Pray for our Respite Retreats coming up this fall where we will serve 250 workers and their families

About: We serve in two unreached people group ​regions in Tanzania. Our vision is to see these ​groups reached with the Word of God and to ​establish healthy bodies of Christ (the Church) ​among them. We equip local believers to tangibly ​share and demonstrate Christ’s love with their ​neighbors, allowing for locally-led evangelism, ​discipleship, church formation, and transformation.

Ways to Engage:

  • Short-term mission trip opportunities
  • Join our strategic Tanzania prayer team
  • Sign up for monthly email updates to stay ​connected

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for God’s power, truth and spiritual insight ​to be revealed and received in the hearts of the ​unreached.
  • Pray for the churches in Tanzania, that the ​walls of competition and disunity will be broken ​down and they will be a strong, unified voice of ​the Good News and Kingdom of God among ​the unreached around them.
  • Pray for our US and Tanzania team, that God ​keeps our hearts in unity and we serve with ​integrity and wisdom as the Holy Spirit leads ​us.

Walk to Emmaus

Dennis & Alice Champagne

Eric & Amy Goodman



About: The WTE begins with a 3-day retreat based on Luke 24:15. This spiritual renewal is for those who want to experience God’s grace and love through other believers and grow in Christ in new ways to do your deal. A Sponsor (someone who has attended the retreat) will guide you in the process.


Ways to Engage: Pray about attending. Talk with potential sponsors. Attend the retreat and then share your grace-filled life with others as you serve, doing your deal in your home, work, church, and community.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray and ask God for discernment about the time to attend; ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to have a desire to strengthen your walk with Christ and grow in your faith.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit prompts hearts and prepares those He wants to participate in this experience.
  • Pray for those who are actively serving in the WTE community.

Doing Your Deal: Ways to Engage


313 Ministries

Genna Heetland Mercurio


Heart for Marietta

David Meeks



About: 313 Ministries exist to empower hope in ​women and to unlock freedom in our world through ​discipleship


Ways to Engage: You can serve with us through ​mentorship, missions, or yearly events.

Mentorship is a 6 month or year commitment ​(weekly/bi-weekly).

We do short-term overseas missions and plan to ​take teams in the future

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for mentees, mentors, partnerships, and ​fundraising.
  • Pray for wisdom as we navigate expanding the ​overseas mission side of the ministry with ​building teams for short-term trips.
  • Pray for a physical location in the future for ​mentorship meetings and events (vs. ​houses/coffee shops)

About: We seek to build, expand, and strengthen ​relationships throughout our community through a ​series of community events (large meals) which will ​be hosted by an expanding base of faith-based ​ministries. The primary goal is to build the Church ​as a network of believers across our community ​where we are all called to participate with local ​outreach, while having a particular heart for the lost ​and all who need connection, community, and ​assistance (the marginalized, the homeless and ​any who have some form of brokenness).

Ways to Engage:

  • Help organize events
  • Help with promoting events
  • Making connections with other churches and ​ministries
  • Serve on hospitality teams for events
  • Serve on set up and clean up team for events
  • Follow up with those attending events

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray the Lord would lead and orchestrate all of ​the purposes and plans of this ministry.
  • That He would place upon the hearts of those ​who are to be a part of supporting (in every ​various way) the work of this ministry. Note that ​as this will be hosted by different groups, there ​needs to be new people raised up at each ​location, along with an ongoing and growing ​cross-over of support.
  • Pray for favor and opportunities with other ​community churches, civic leaders, ​synagogues, mosques, etc.


With a mission to equip the Body of Christ to ​manifest the Gospel to vulnerable children, we ​know we cannot do this without one another. ​Whether through adoption, foster care, orphan ​care, or education and counseling, the mission is ​accomplished when churches live out James 1:27 ​in their communities and to the ends of the earth.


Ways to Engage:

  • Join us in praying for vulnerable children
  • Pray about adopting children domestically and ​internationally
  • We are seeking families to welcome children ​from Colombia or the Philippines into their ​homes for two weeks through hosting ​programs so we can advocate for them to have ​a forever family
  • Come alongside us as we serve women in ​unplanned pregnancies
  • Sometimes a woman needs a place to sleep ​for a couple days or a month and occasionally ​a family will invite her into their home ​temporarily
  • We partner with churches to go on international ​mission trips to share the Gospel at ​orphanages

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for families to adopt children and join our ​hosting programs for two weeks so that ​children will be adopted
  • For churches to join us in Heritage Builders - ​serving youth in foster care
  • For churches to join us in Families Count - ​helping vulnerable parents through parenting ​classes and prevent children from entering ​foster care
  • For women in unplanned pregnancies to have ​support so that they can parent their baby